Additional Solutions

Services to Enrich Your Entire Organization

Better Outcomes with Benefit Educators

Our ancillary services are designed to empower HR to support employees and to efficiently and successfully manage their business.

Benefit Educators, LLC

Additional Solutions

Filling the Gaps

Flexible and responsive, we deliver tailored strategies and services to advance additional HR initiatives. We help organizations understand and navigate the complexities of the industry, complementing a partnership with Benefit Educators.

Benefit Solutions

Benefit Education Insourcing

Benefit Teachers can be placed at an employer’s workplace year-round to assist with benefit education, open enrollment, new hire onboarding, employee issue resolution, data management, vendor billing and life event management.

Employee Advocate

Employee Advocacy

Our Benefits Enrollment Center can be used throughout the year to assist employees with enrollment questions and general benefit-related issues (e.g., lost ID card).

Data Audit

Dependent Audits

Through our high-touch process we can help cleanse data and audit dependents on the medical plan. This can be a great way to drive savings and minimize exposure.

Tax Credits

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

The WOTC offers a great incentive to employers to hire certain types of employees. We can help with the administration of this important tax credit for employers.


Custom Surveys

Our high-touch process can improve employee engagement with a survey, improving response rates and quality of feedback.

Data Cleansing

Data Cleansing

Through our high-touch process we can update employee data such as emergency contact information, dependent data, beneficiary data and employee personal information.


Voluntary Benefit Consulting

We work with over 15 voluntary benefit carriers. We can help identify the right products with the best carriers. Our team can perform extensive analysis of the different products that are available in the marketplace.

Technology Consulting

Technology Consulting

We work with many different systems and can help employers identify and place the right technology solution based on their individual situation.

Flexible Services

We support an organization’s program objectives and larger company goals.